Step by step to success.

From start-up to global player in 20 years.

The initial idea was to shake up the financial markets with a practical factoring software solution. No sooner said than done: In the following years, our four founders turned efcom gmbh into one of the leading providers in this field—first in Germany, then throughout Europe.

2000: The race is on

efcom gmbh is officially established in December. The company’s head office is in Eppertshausen, Southwest Germany.

2001: Off we go

The first employees are hired. In addition,
the first version of ef3 is used by clients –
based on an Oracle database. An in-depth
market analysis provided the necessary practical knowledge for success.

2002: We’ve done it

efcom becomes market leader in Germany
in the area of factoring software.

2004: Going global

The focus is on the development of attractive add-on modules, especially for cross-border financial transactions. On this basis, the first foreign customers are acquired: HVB Slovakia and FactorBank AG in Vienna, Austria.

2005: Time to relocate

The head office is moved to Neu-Isenburg,
just up the road from the former one.

2007: Eastern Europe

We establish a presence in several Eastern European countries.

2008: Austria

efcom also becomes market leader in factoring solutions in Austria.

2009: Premiere

A new solution for mass data processing is developed: ef3premium plus.

2011: Personnel

By now, 29 colleagues are working at efcom.

2012: Enhancement

The reverse factoring module offers a
solution tailored to the needs of supply
chain finance. This year marks the 10th
time efcom has held the Factoring Symposium – an international symposium
for factoring experts and IT service providers.

2014: efcom knows no boundaries

efcom is represented across Europe in 9 countries with a total of 32 factoring institutions.

2015: efOnline

The new web portal efOnline is launched.

2017: Switzerland

From now on, efcom is also the
market leader for factoring software
in the second Alpine republic.

2018: Clear edge

efcom repositions itself with a modern logo and fresh web presence.

2019: Web relaunch

A comprehensive web relaunch
provides more information,
insights and inspiration.

2020: Anniversary

We celebrate our 20th anniversary and are looking forward to new challenges in the factoring area!

2022: global sales strategy

From now on, efcom will not only be
marketed in Europe, but also on a global level.

2023: efX is rolled out

Our new product for anyone who wants
to be flexible: efX is rolled out.

2024: Namaste!

First Indian customer 360tf launches efX.
The project is supported by our local partner Xilligence.