Taking a stand for our basic rights and fundamental freedoms.

Article 3 of the Basic Law for the Federal Republic of Germany has been in place for 75 years. In its 1994 adapted form it reads:

((1) All persons shall be equal before the law.

(2) Men and women shall have equal rights. The state shall promote the actual implementation of equal rights for women and men and take steps to eliminate disadvantages that now exist.

(3) No person shall be favoured or disfavoured because of sex, parentage, race, language, homeland and origin, faith or religious or political opinions. No person shall be disfavoured because of disability.

As a Germany-based company, it is of course our obligation to honour these rights, but it is more than that for us. It is about taking a stand and making clear: People who live here cannot simply ignore these hard-earned cornerstones of our society or interpret them flexibly to suit their interests. In this sense, racism, right-wing extremism, chauvinism, sexism, and homophobia have no place in our society—and therefore, neither here at efcom!

We expressively acknowledge the basic rights and fundamental freedoms of all people living in this country. And we wish that this stance also be represented and defended in all other areas of society—in both private and professional life, in companies and institutions as well as in political parties.

efcom Management
