efcom & Lenvi: global partnership signed

Global partnership:efcom and Lenvi Riskfactor move towards the future together Neu-Isenburg, August 2024 – efcom gmbh and Lenvi Riskfactor (UK) have signed a partnership agreement to bring together their expertise and market leading technology to provide customers with connected experiences and continue to drive innovation for the receivables finance industry.   Lenvi Riskfactor is a…

Investing in innovation: A path that always pays off

Article for the World Factoring Yearbook 2024:Investing in innovation:A path that always pays off Investment in research and development (R&D) is at the heart of innovation-driven corporate management. In other words: without R&D there is no innovation, and without innovation there is no competitive advantage on the market. Ultimately, it is about achieving future economic…

Trade Finance Global: interview & article

Interview with Trade Finance Global:Turbocharging the growth of factoring and supply chain finance in MENA and India Go to article Go to mini magazine An interview with Deepesh Patel from Trade Finance Global, Federico Avellán Borgmeyer (Chief Partner Officer at efcom), Abdelrahman Elbeltagy (Islamic Finance Specialist at efcom) and Vikram Nair (CEO at Xilligence).  …

Documentation: dynamic growth

Documentation: dynamic growth The extent of user documentation at efcom has increased tenfold over the past 10 years. This is due to the continuous development of our software features and interfaces which must be documented accordingly. Software manufacturers in Germany are obligated by law to document their products for their customers. Ultimately, this is about…

Important for progress: internal knowledge transfer

Internal exchange of knowledge:Expert know-how passed on in over 35 webinars. Exchanging knowledge internally is one of the most important things a company can do. We have also made it our mission to pass on expertise from colleague to colleague and have launched an internal webinar series at the beginning of 2022. This involves one-hour…

Statement efcom

Taking a stand for our basic rights and fundamental freedoms. Article 3 of the Basic Law for the Federal Republic of Germany has been in place for 75 years. In its 1994 adapted form it reads: ((1) All persons shall be equal before the law. (2) Men and women shall have equal rights. The state…

Factoring Symposium 2023: Follow-up report

Factoring Symposium 2023: Follow-up report Mit dem Laden des Videos akzeptieren Sie die Datenschutzerklärung von YouTube.Mehr erfahren Video laden YouTube immer entsperren Neu-Isenburg, September 2023 – We see the Factoring Symposium as an opportunity to discuss current topics, the latest software features and general trends with our customers, partners and interested parties. In 2023, the…

efcom becomes part of the ITFA community

efcom becomes part of the ITFA community Neu-Isenburg, September 2023 – efcom is now a member of the International Trade and Forfaiting Association (ITFA). The ITFA is the worldwide trade association for companies, financial institutions and intermediaries involved in global trade, forfaiting, supply chain and receivables financing. Founded in 1999, the association currently has around…