Interview: Ahmed Amin from Lenvi

Interview with Ahmed Amin (Lenvi)Let´s talk about fraud and risk 1. Financing is always associated with risks. This is all the more true in dynamic times. And we are currently dealing with a relatively large number of changes and will probably continue to do so in the future. How can Riskfactor help here in the…

Follow-up report: Symposium 2024

efcom Symposium 2024How does factoring work internationally? Mit dem Laden des Videos akzeptieren Sie die Datenschutzerklärung von YouTube.Mehr erfahren Video laden YouTube immer entsperren Neu-Isenburg, November 2024 – Numerous customers, partners, suppliers and a number of interested parties from Germany and abroad accepted our invitation to Neu-Isenburg and turned September 26 into a day of…